Just like every other credit card holder you too are concerned a lot about your financial standing. This is because every credit card in the market is prone to cyber crime, data theft and forgery. This is why it is very important that you take credit card safety seriously. In fact, there is a lot you can do to help protect your credit cards from any such risks and prevent important financial data from getting into the hands of cyber criminals.
How Do You Practice Basic Credit Card Security?
Whether it is your Citibank credit cards or any other low interest rate credit card, it is very important that the moment you get them in your mail you sign at the back of the financial instrument right away. This is going to protect your card from misuse if someone else gets their hands on it. Also do remember that your pin code is not to be shared with anyone and under no circumstances you are supposed to keep the pin in the same place as your card. The best way is to memorize it and an even better way is to record it at someplace completely far away from your card. This way even if your card ever gets stolen the thief will never have the pin to defraud you of all your money.
Do you know about the various tricks that thieves use to get their hands on your credit card number? Of course you don’t but you can prevent this from happening by:
- Keeping your card private and not letting anyone see it in public
- Not giving your credit card information over the phone unless you are talking to your own Bank
- Not answering any email that requires you to fill in your account number or card information regardless of how reputable they might claim to be
- Consider paperless transactions
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